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The Men's Volleyball Team continued what has been a productive off-season, announcing the addition of Outside Hitter Scott Wilson. The Hawks, winners of three of the past six Provincial Titles, are bolstering an already impressive set of front-line players.

The 6'4" Kingston product has been an impact player throughout his career; in 2010 Wilson was a member of Team Ontario, and he won a Bronze Medal at the National Team Challenge Cup. During his time at Notre Dame High School he took home a Gold, Silver and Bronze OFSAA Medal while being named Male Athlete of the Year in each of his final two seasons. He also finished on the OFSAA podium in both track and field and high jump, an indication of his athletic abilities.

Wilson's decision to come to Humber came after reaching out to Head Coach Wayne Wilkins; he had already done a lot of research about the Program's history and was set on becoming a part of it. The combination of past success and academic opportunities swayed him and he's been welcomed with open arms.

Attacking and blocking are Wilson's greatest strengths on the court, skills that will mesh well with the Hawks talent, and he will focus on improving defending tips and passing. Getting to the gym two hours before game time help him get in the zone, and closer to opening serve he will listen to music and visualize what is to come.

Wilson has enrolled in the Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Program and can't wait for training camp to get underway in July. The Volleyball Program is poised to compete with Ontario's best in 2015-16, and the season can't come soon enough in what is shaping up to be an exciting year.

Fun Facts

Three things you would take on a deserted island: Volleyball for reps, Ipod for tunes, My cat Oswald

Best quote of all-time: "No bird soars to high, if he soars with his own wings" – William Blake

Who do you model your game after: Wallace from Brazil

What's first on your bucket list: Travel the world!

Biggest Highlight of your career thus far: Committing to Humber