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Lauren Ashmore banquet team photo

Lakeshore Feature - Lauren Ashmore

Lauren graduated in 2017 with a bachelors of commerce with a specializing in Digital Business Management. She is currently pursuing her MBA at McMaster University and working part-time as a digital marketer at an advertising agency in Hamilton. 

Her favourite colour is blue and she LOVES shawarma. She loves Parks and Rec and her favourite movie is Ferris Buller’s Day Off. 

We asked Lauren what extramurals meant for her, she said “At the time, the soccer extramural team meant everything to me. I didn’t really have an outlet at the time except soccer to let out any frustration. It was a great sense of community and as my skills grew, a real confidence booster. The weekly pickup soccer sessions were also a massive help in the quality of my student life. I really miss it all.”

Her favourite memory from Humber Lakeshore Athletics was winning the Redeemer University tournament in 2015. She felt like the team worked well together and she learned the importance of mental and physical stamina. 

Her tips for new students are:

1. Keep an eye on your long-term goals. Try not to worry about the debt you accrued from tuition, a particular mark you got, or a team that didn’t quite vibe. There are many victories that come with the challenges and disappointments and I know, personally, that the victories are what stay with you. 

2. This year is hard but is also a chance to do things a new way. Networking is hard no matter where you are but as your skill grows it will be easier in on and offline. 

3. Try not to compare. Eventually there is an epiphany in everyone’s life where they realize that they can do what they want with their life. Just keep an eye out for that moment.

Her goals for 2021 is to start following her gut in terms of business and get on the soccer field at least twice a week!