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Shania getting ready to receive a serve in volleyball

Lakeshore Feature - Shania Rohr

Another Lakeshore great featuring extramural volleyball player Shania Rohr!

Shania is currently in her final semester of Humber’s Bachelor of Public Relations. She spent the past summer completing her internship with Tito’s Handmade Vodka and fishing with her dad on Lake Ontario. She also just got engaged before the holidays! Congratulations!! 

She loves to travel and explore whenever she gets the chance, having spent a semester abroad in Ireland. Her favourite season is fall because of all the bright colours and the change it brings. 

What Shania loves about Humber Lakeshore Athletics extramurals is the opportunity to play a sport she loves and meet people across many different programs. Working hard together and challenging each other to become better players is a huge part of the program.

Her advice for students is to make sure they schedule everything. Plan what you’re doing each day and stick to it. It’ll keep you on track and save you from missing assignments.