Moving For Mental Health Event



At this time there is no scheduled event for 2023. Please check back in soon! 


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Each year we look forward to the Mental Health Run as a great Lakeshore tradition. This year is a little different but we are all in this together. This event seeks to shed light on Mental Health awareness and the stigma that plagues over one in five Canadians every year. By holding events such as this in our community, we can do our part to show solidarity to those who feel that they might not have any support otherwise.

So what exactly are we moving for?

While millions of Canadians are affected by mental health illnesses, did you know that a majority of those afflicted will choose not to seek treatment? One of the biggest reasons for this is the stigma that surrounds mental health illnesses. Many people hide their illness out of fear of discrimination, isolation, and being misunderstood by others. Individuals who don’t receive treatment face a risk of emotional turmoil, self-harm, and in some cases, suicide.

This event is not only an excuse to be active, but an event to support all individuals that have to deal with a stigma that surrounds their reality. By being active, we recognize that our society has a long way to go before the stigma that surrounds mental health becomes a thing of the past. We will continue to run this event in the hopes that we can help make a difference in how we look at and talk about mental health.


Interesting statistics from the Canadian Mental Health Society:

  • Approximately 8 per cent of adults will experience depression at some point in their lives
  • Anxiety disorders affect approximately 5 per cent of our population
  • 60 per cent of individuals with a mental illness choose not to seek treatment
  • Approximately 10 per cent of the Canadian population reported having substance abuse problems
  • 10 per cent of Canadians have mood disorders
  • It is estimated that up to 20 per cent of Canada’s youth age 15-24 will experience a mental health illness at some point in their lives
  • Mental health affects people of all backgrounds, ages, income levels, and cultures
  • By age 40, 50 per cent of Canadians will have experienced a mental health illness at some point

Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association website for more information