Humber hockey vs McMaster action shot

Hawks Cap Off Season With Win Over McMaster, 8-4

Humber’s Men’s Hockey Team finished off their season with an exhibition game against the squad from McMaster University – their seventh meeting this season.

McMaster opened up the scoring early in the first period with a perfect shot that beat Humber’s starting goaltender, Victor Commisso, up over his shoulder.  Not long after, McMaster took a 2-0 lead when the puck was inadvertently tipped into the net by a Hawks’ defender.

Humber then found themselves on the receiving end of back to back power plays, and although they didn’t score with the man-advantage, Michael McCullough was able to net the team’s first goal with momentum still on the Hawks’ side.  Minutes later, veteran player and team captain, Andreas Vena, scored on a set up by rookie defenseman, Caleb Eggert, and forward Daniel Ruocco, tying the game at two.

The teams would trade another goal each before the end of the first period, McMaster on the power play to take a 3-2 lead, and Humber  with a last-minute tally by, blue-liner, Nathan Grosso.

Early in the second period, Humber found themselves on the receiving end of a 5-on-3 power play, with two McMaster players in the penalty box.  McMaster’s goalie was able to shut the door on the Hawks, holding the score at a 3-all tie.  Part way through the period, Humber found themselves on the power play again – this time capitalizing on the man-advantage.  Dynamic forward, Cody Sobala, converted on an amazing pass from McCullough to put the Hawks up 4-3, and they would continue to increase the tempo of the game.

Close to the end of the second period, Eggert was called for a trip and McMaster was given an opportunity to even the score.  With a great defensive effort by newcomer, Adam Kerfoot, the Hawks were able to kill off valuable seconds, and eventually the entire penalty.  With momentum on their side once again, Humber’s duo of McCullough and Sobala would once again combine on a goal to put the hawks ahead by two goals.  At the end of the second period, the score sat at 5-3 for Humber.

After a fresh flood and a goalie switch by the Hawks, the game continued at a fast pace.  Both teams had chances early in the period, but both teams’ defense played smart and managed to clear the puck from their respective ends.  McCullough was able to draw an interference penalty and send the Hawks’ back to the power play where he scored an unassisted marker to increase the lead to 3.  Ruocco and Vincent Da Silva would combine to score Humber’s seventh goal of the game before McMaster would add another tally of their own, narrowing the gap once again. 

With just over 2 minutes left in the game, McMaster’s goalie was called to the bench for an extra attacker.  The pressure was on Humber to control the play and assist goaltender, Anthony Charbonneau, in keeping the puck out of the net.  With 57 seconds left on the clock, first year defenseman, Alex Savaglio was able to send the puck the length of the ice ensuring that the Hawks would score into the empty net to make it an 8-4 final score.

The Hawks finished the season series against McMaster with 5 wins, 1 loss and 1 shootout loss, and posting 2 shutouts along the way. 

Scoring Summary

Goals – McCullough (3), Sobala (2), Grosso, Ruocco, Vena

Assists – Ruocco (2), Da Silva, Eggert, MacNeil, McCullough, Sobala, Vena